A free to the people large format printed magazine, containing personal reflections by everyday people who have gone through a life experience and are willing to share their story.
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Time is goldi wish i could flyi wonder what life would be like if i chose to not have kidsl love trees, they talk to me i feel like i’m homeI am really sick of doing essay preptoday i feel at peacewhen i don’t know what to do, i go walkingi saw a rainbow todayi wish i could speak in coloursI am exhaustedthe sunshine is blisswith each day passing, i realise that love is everythingI feel off today…I felt like screaming at someone today but I decided to take a few BIG breaths insteadI long for warm weatherI can't think todayCoolI wish I could call my mumIn Timenot todayToday has always beenI’m need of more inspiration•im tired